Sunday, 3 July 2016

MASSOB’ll collapse if referendum fails – Leader

MOVEMENT for the Ac­tualisation of the Sover­eign State of Biafra (MAS­SOB) has said referendum for Biafra will collapse if the current move for a ref­erendum fails.
MASSOB leader, Uchenna Madu, in a state­ment issued yesterday said Biafra, as a kingdom, existed many centuries before the amalgamation of the geographical area called Nigeria in 1914.
He said “before the coming of the Portuguese to Biafraland and eventual conquering by the British who later colonised Nige­ria, the people of Biafra had nothing to do with the Hausa-Fulani or Yor­uba tribe either politically, economically, culturally, religiously or socially.
“It was the British, be­cause of their political and economic interests crowned with envy against the future existence of the people of Biafra that yoked the people of Biafra with that of Arewa and Oduduwa in Nigeria.
“Many Nigeria national­ists and some elders are now calling for restructur­ing of Nigeria.”
Madu further disclosed that ethnic pressure groups and activities of MASSOB, IPOB, Niger Delta Avengers, Biafra People National Council, Lower Niger Congress, Afra Descendants, EPC, BLC, Biafra Niger Delta Militant Warriors etc were “evidence of the politi­cal imbalance, systematic injustice, political domi­nation, economical, aca­demic, religious and social slavery experienced daily by Eastern/Middle Belt re­gions of Nigeria.
“MASSOB insists that referendum is the only so­lution to these numerous gigantic political imbal­ances against the future of the people of Biafra, a referendum that will de­termine and uphold the sovereignty of the rights,
choices and wishes of the indigenous people that are clamouring for Biafra.
“As the leader of MAS­SOB and a leading figure in over 16 years of Biafran struggle for self-determi­nation, I will resign and cease to be a Biafran if referendum for Biafra exit fails.
“MASSOB also advised leaders and arrowheads of other Biafra agitating groups to abhor and avoid the spirit of self-centered­ness, superiority complex and domination, saying such complexities and sentiments will always promote group interest over the general sacred in­terest of Biafra.”

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